Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

A gaggle of Blippers

Or should that be a "flock" of Blippers, or maybe a "murder" of Blippers. Probably a "capture" of Blippers.

Left to right - airedaleknitter with Reggie, Midgehole Dave with Polly, corinthian column, me, WilsdenWalker with Buster.

Excellent music from Wilsden band, a lovely stroll along the river and an informal Blipmeet - a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

You can see Reggie properly here.
Here's Lizziedog ALMOST being friendly!
When Lizzie met Polly.
Titus Salt watching over the band.

Great to meet everyone and the canine Blip stars too!

PS thank you to Mr airedaleknitter for taking the photo!

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