
By amandoAlentejo

My "Brother in Arms"

Got up in the night to work on the sermon I was to give tonight - and then all afternoon as well, after feeding Mum her lunch in hospital (and getting them to promise to look at her knee which was giving her pain - they have x-rayed it, so that's good). It's getting what I want to say onto a decent PP presentation that I don't find easy as yet.

Anyway, all over now, and He did help me speak clearly, I think. "Sermon" comes from the Latin for "dialogue" - so I encouraged folk to text me if anything they wanted to say - D has taken dictation on a few texts already.

The blip is of J, who was my companion, leading the worship - he did a brilliant job, especially as I didn't exactly give him much notice, having finished preparation about 1/2 an hour before the sermon. You can see our church windows in his guitar - and, as he pointed out - his smudgy finger marks.

How grateful I am for bed, coming up shortly...

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