Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Day 38 - a rising moon

Today was not one of my better days, but hey I've had many worse of late for sure.
Waiting word on when I will be getting an ercp (don't ask, I haven't a clue, I've already had one 4 weeks ago, it's an endoscopic investigation, they are also going to remove a gall stone :-( the original one was 2cm in diameter and like granite apparently, this is another?)
At the minute, I am scared, every step has thrown up a complication.
About 5 and a half weeks ago I came in to get my gall bladder removed via keyhole surgery and I'm still here :-(
*you know that stat we quoted, the 1 in 25000 of such an event happening*
*well you're the 1*
this has been followed by an ercp procedure
to fit a stent in my bile duct at the spot where my gall bladder was, at this point it was not totally removed.
After many different antibiotics and blood samples taken, and a drain fitted, it was decided that I needed investigative surgery, this also had complications.
I now know that my bowel had been nicked during the initial keyhole procedure, there is also some bit of me in that area that is shorter by 15mm, and a stoma (hopefully temporary,, but I've accepted that I'm going to have to live with it)
I was quite considerable time in theatre :-(
I spent 4 days in intensive care, which was scary, I had a bad reaction to the morphine I was being given, a really bad case of the heebie jeebies :-(
I then was back in the ward but ended up in high dependency unit for two days, I have lost a lot of weight due to much pre-op and post-op fasting and lost my appetite.
I have lost a lot of weight and am quite weak
Since that op, I have had another x-ray investigation to find out why a certain drain I still have fitted is still collecting bile (at one point I had six, I still have two. It is leaking, that is all I know and the bile is being put down to a gall stone in my bile duct, not sure if this was mentioned as being there after my first op, my poor wee drug ravaged head :-( my last x-ray was painful as everyone seemed to forget I was attached to three drips when they were moving me around :-(
This is why I'm am feeling so low and more than a little apprehensive about my next ercp scan.
This was my view from the 6 bed ward I am in, hope that you can make out the moon just risen over Drumossie Moor.
The road below it is the A9
Follow this road 115 miles south, turn right at Inveralmond roundabout, follow the signs that say football stadium and you come to McDiarmid Park, home of my super saintees :-))
Sorry I inflicted you all with my woes on here
Hope that you've all had a lovely weekend

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