Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

what? a mouse????

.... close to meeeee? Where??? Those little wee ones are soooo funny and I cant stop taking photos of them...... tomorrow they will leave my house and life - have to bring them to the animals home and it makes me feel soooooo bad but I cannot let them stay with us - even I would loooove to.... It breaks my heart but at least I have the feeling I did something good for them for a couple of days....
this morning I had to climb up a tree for 3 times as little Bonnie did sat on the top of the tree and didnt had to courage to come back down and meeeoooowwwed like hell - for three times!!!!! Our poor doggies are inside right now - but now we change the situation - cats inside and dogs out again.....

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