Hot & bothered!

The sun has disappeared in St Ives but it is still very, very hot & humid.

Ann was working indoors all morning so she didn't really realise just how hot it was outside, so said we'd just go for a little trek around town for my afternoon walk.

Trekking around town is not really very much fun for a little collie like me.

Admittedly I did have some nice 'off my lead time' around the Island (in this blip) but then she made me walk along the Wharf which was very crowded and full of 'pasty and ice cream eating holiday makers'!

I don't normally go into town when it's busy because I get all hot & bothered. I kept bumping into people's legs because holiday makers are constantly stopping without warning to look at things.

Ann felt really guilty that she'd subjected me to such an unpleasant walk. I was really hot and was getting irritated by the number of legs that I had to dodge when we bumped into our friend Geoff. I like Geoff and he was just about to make a fuss of me when a loud, noisy skateboarder whizzed by. Well, that made me go ballistic! I HATE skateboarders! I did my fiercest barking and pulled on my lead and then all the other dogs in the street also started barking and all the holiday makers were looking at me and thinking 'what a mad, crazy collie' but I didn't care. Then on the way home we saw three little buses. I don't like buses either, so because I was so hot & bothered I went mad at them too. The local bus drivers are used to me woofing at their buses. They just laugh at me and think I'm a bit silly. Ann says there must be about 20,000 holiday makers in St Ives this week and now I'm going to get a worldwide reputation as the collie who doesn't like buses!!!!!

......................And on a more serious note; today we heard that a local dog has died of heatstroke.

It is very, very hot in St Ives so if you're here on holiday or live here or wherever you are in this heatwave please click on the link below for ways to keep us gorgeous doggies cool.

Ways to keep your gorgeous doggie friends cool!


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