That's what "They" were telling us...

...all the way to Edinburgh. Mind you, they have been known to be wrong the odd time or two, witness the 1987 none-huricane which flattened a goodly proportion of the country's trees. Was that the one which reduced "Sevenoaks", Kent to either Fiveoaks or Two-oaks (I forget which)?

We had scheduled a dash up to Carlisle.
While I was drafting an email to Cameratiks to ask them, in essence, how many weeks one of their "Fortnights" contained when the phone rang. 'Twas themselves, lens repaired.
Ergo dash to Edinbburgh, via Carlisle.
I'm pleased to see I can still remember how Windows works, mine being in drydock being "retro-fitted", or reverse engineered, or summat.
I tried to upgrade the O.S. ... result ... it's running so well/fast/reliably I was almost tempted back to Windows.

BUGGER!!!!! Sorry about the crop, didn't spot it.
Blame the heat.

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