Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound


I only took photographs of A today, she was sat on my bed eating a sandwich before bed. Where do children put it all?

So we have another member of our royal family. Another possible King at some stage in the future. What great news.... It's a pity our senseless prime minister decided to announce the censoring of the Internet on the same day, justifying it as a way to prevent Pornography..

You have to opt into adult content now.. And personally I don't just think porn is going to be censored, I am sure we will experience am over all further dumbing down of the Internet. When I first used it there was no pay walls for medical or scientific journals everything was free and out there for the use of the Geek that was playing on there system now everything is behind pay walls and costs to get, unless of course it's propaganda or news with the right slant and then it's still free or affordable ... But the research, the information... Oh no we have to pay or opt into getting that now...

Kind of ironic that our prime minister still thinks its ok to have teenagers strutting there boobs in the sun newspaper though.

Anyway less of my political rants.. Another hot sunny day here. Steve started A on a new web site for her home Edd, so the maths and science is being covered more formally now she is a bit older. My old lap top is not working so we need to get it fixed. The garden and yard needs some work doing to it , the weeds are growing between the paving stones. But life is good

Oh and I am trying not to worry about my social worker coming out tomorrow... Have I told you before I don't have a lot of faith in them any more.. If this one says ' my supervisor won't agree to that once, I shall tell her to leave!'

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