bee relaxing...

...throughout the day

just like this little one

doesn't it appear as if he's found a sweet spot - to rest his weary body - only for a moment - from all the frantic gathering of pollen he and his buddies do... like he's simply sitting on that itty-bitty piece of leaf - taking a break - i think he deserves it - we all do - deserve a break - a bit of relaxing throughout our days - even if it needs to be planned

we are a society which has learned to go, go, go... constantly these days - with nary a break anymore - hardly giving ourselves time to breathe - i believe it's time to end that cycle before we drive ourselves to early graves - take time to enjoy creation - nature - the easy pace of just being - i do believe as photographers, we have a hand up on everyone else though - we are learning to appreciate the little things more than the average bear - those simple moments - therefore making it...


happy day.....

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