PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Spotty Murko

Day two done and dusted! Four bears anaesthetised and 6 to go! Today we had darling Lotus bear in the morning and recently blipped Mr. Happy himself - Murko. Both bears are looking very happy and healthy on the inside which is great news. Although specialist R. does keep referring to our bears as being 'rather chunky'! Apparently chunky makes for slightly more difficult laparoscopic exams (being able to visualize organs is easier in thinner patients) - but has he did put it later in the afternoon, chunky bears = happy bears, and that's about right!

This is Murko's beautiful spotty crescent. When he's in the enclosure you can't see the spots so well, but up close they are just lovely :) At the end of the procedure, and near the end of another long day, I couldn't stop myself from leaning down and resting my head on his lovely big chest for a quick cuddle - felt wonderful and won't be able to do it for much longer!

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