On yer bike!

My blip today is accompanied by a rant about the post office. I get really frustrated by how far away the sorting office is. It used to be just off Leith Wall, which while not being close to me, is somewhat easier to get to on the way home than Telferton Industrial Estate. Those of us without cars or bus passes face up to an hour round trip and £3 in bus fares EVERY TIME you have a package. Because of my postcode, redelivery to a 'local' post office is also massively out of my way and they won't redeliver to my work. So my options are wait in on a Saturday for redelivery or make the trip.

Sometimes I run there, but depending on the size of the package, it can get logistically difficult to carry home. Especially as I won't run with a backpack. I suspected my package today was Wesley's catflap and there was no way I was running with that.

I'd completely forgotten about my bike. I was there and back within half an hour, got a little cross training in, and didn't spend anything. Result. As you can see from the picture though, my bike could do with a little care and maintenance...

Amazon's packing of said cat flap (and also some running gels) was excessive as usual, so I had to decant them at the sorting office and squeeze into my bag. A good way to dispose of masses of unnecessary cardboard mind you.

Next time I'll just get it delivered to work!

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