Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: Storm chasing.....

....I love a thunderstorm more than most, they have always been a source of thrill and wonder to me, I am not sure why or where it comes from but to this day they continue to be a source of joy.

I was once caught under a sonic boom when I was about 11, for those of you who don't know it's the effect when an object passes the speed of sound and on the ground it creates an extreme thunder & lightning experience a sound that makes you feel like your ears are about to explode and a light so bright that you cannot see your hand an inch from your face, it was on a camping trip with school and I was about the only person not crying their eyes out.

It could also have something to do with a certain female when at university and the fun we used to have during storms but I won't go into as much detail with that one.....

Anyway, this morning I decided to become a storm chaser to see if I could catch events unfold, I thought either Waterloo or Primrose Hill, I thought that Waterloo would (a) leave me less exposed from electrocution and (b) it was too early for climbing hills.

So here you have the result...or al least what it would have looked like had the storm not done everything it could to avoid me and hit every other area in West London, so I have added a bit of poetic licence to the shot I did get....its almost the same thing...

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