A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

The shreds of a ball

Tazmania (Taz) has been mopey since her Grandma left, she really loved grandma and Grandma really loved her. She's begun to impress me so much, shes becoming more and more the lovable dog I want her to. Shes becoming better mannered, more calm around people and the whole nine yards, I'm very proud of her progress. We've been trying to work once a day on small things, like sit and STAY, just not one or the other. She's been doing really well.
Emma and the Hazyland Boys gave me the suggestion of simply working with her ten minutes everyday and its been good. I've run into a few struggles with not being able to find a 'clicker' so we've been imporvising and trying as many other things as we can.
We have a new favorite game that I must say I wish I had a larger apartment for. I tell Taz to sit and stay and I move out of her line of sight and 'hide' somewhere in the apartment (its not very big so its very easy for her) then I whistle or call her and she comes a running and she gets a treat for her efforts. Shes been working on it and I've been learning alot of grace for her. It's been good.

OH another new development, we've been leaving her out of her crate and asking her to "guard" the house while we are gone. NOT Only has she stayed out of trouble, but she hasn't peed or pooped in the house at all! It's been really good. I'm really really proud of her.

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