
By Beewriter

Throw the Ball....Please

This will shock many people who know me...I actually did some cleaning this morning! I'm not very domesticated but I scrubbed my hall and stairs. It was so hot and I was dripping wet by the time I'd finished but I did feel virtuous.

I didn't swim today so I decided to pump up the tyres on my bike and go out for a ride this afternoon. I haven't had it out for months and I could tell when I set off...ouch! Pat phoned whilst I was out so I rode round her way and we sat outside with a mini magnum. It is a good job Pat has an awning as the heavens opened and we could still sit outside whilst the rain bounced around us. Meg was dashing around and wanting the ball thrown for her. I took a few pics but they weren't very good as she just won't keep still.

I am lacking inspiration for photos at the moment but as my year is almost up I will stick it out. I have had a reminder that I need to renew my membership and I can't decide whether to or not. I did get in touch with the powers that be at blip about the spotlight page, it infuriates me that the same people are on it virtually every day, but I received a ridiculous reply from them. The fact that they couldn't answer my questions properly really annoyed me. I have made some lovely virtual friends on blip so I'm in two minds...hopefully I will get my inspiration back and I can ignore the spotlight page.

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