toaster's world!

By 2112toaster

Red Headed Cardinal Beetles Mating!

Went for my daily Drive & walk to the Dragonfly place, loads of Damselflies( reds, blues, greens and Orange ones) and a big Southern Hawker Dragonfly flying about doing about a million miles an hour ( slight exaggeration) but you know what I mean lol

Having tried to capture this beastie in flight and no success, I wondered about the wild flowers/ weeds and came across these two lucky so & so's well I sat down beside them, took loads of shots from all angles ( except upside down) now that I've processed them ( viewing them on the PC) I should have went to the car and got out my tripod, loads if blurred shots and focus was way out! I used my 18-55mm lens to get close ( must save up for a decent macro lens)
So this is one of the better ones! Hope you like it, off to work early tonight ( Edinburgh) have to be there for 20;30 hrs... Bugger!!! lol

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