Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Mini Works

First day of the holidays - I needed to get the girls out and about for a bit as the entire downstairs is a building site, and the conservatory (their room to paint/play/watch/hang out in) has become the storage area for all the furniture from the lounge and dining room. I asked them where they wanted to go and the Mini Works came out very quickly.

It's an indoor climbing centre in Sheffield that we heard about from a guy called Ian that we started chatting to whilst watching the girls play football a couple of months back. We joined the following day and they love it. It is run for the love of climbing as well as a business, and this passion/enthusiasm really shines through from the staff. They are chilled, friendly and the atmosphere in the place is great - it seems to generate genuine interest in the activity by the visiting kids rather than it being just a place to go for an hour or so.

After about half an hour of climbing, who should walk in but Ian! Had a great chat with him, and was introduced to Max, a friend of his who is into his cycling. We have arranged to meet up in a couple of weeks for an outdoor climb, picnic and general get together which I am looking forward to.

Then it was a couple of jobs for the building: I am picking up tins and bits and bobs whilst Mrs H is still stripping. The wallpaper. In this heat, I have the easy job for sure. The flooring saga is continuing, but looking a little more rosier than yesterday and the hearth was completed today. The log burner arrives tomorrow and we're a little excited about seeing that in place.

Just three hours in bed this afternoon with the headache. Getting better. We are off to Whitby on Friday for a week, if the sea air doesn't cure it then my faith in Victorian medical cures will be destroyed (and I'll seek help).

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