With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


We were so very flonkered after yesterday and were too fried for much other than me doing my working thing and Little A doing a bit of vegging. Poor lamb was bored, bored, bored so we eventually got to the plaza and then went back to the same. Oh, dull. Agu had a little constructive time though, good boy and we got our swim in the late afternoon after the heat had died down a bit.

Agu found a very odd sea creature, something like a cross between a sea cucumber and a cuttlefish, that I need to have a search online for. He then unfortunately stood on something, probably a wasp and was hopping around. I lifted him up the beach and have pulled a muscle, so we gave up on thoughts of going to the plaza for the first night of the Mostra dance festival and are chilling a bit more. At least we got the fabulous sunset mountains having to drive the long way back. Relax folks.... xxx

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