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By LovePopcorn

and a Gas Kiln with a Bead Tree...

If one makes clay beads they would want them to be round.
Hanging beads on wire during firing ensures they will not have a flat spot on one side. Bead racks CAN be bought (pricey) but usually the bead maker creates a bead rack.
I have seen two types of racks so far:
the traditional self standing abacus looking racks and
cylinder tree racks.
Esthetically I prefer trees.
Special Nickel Chromium Wire needs to be used in bead racks for high fire kilns, because Cone 10 fires to 1305° C (2381° F) which melts other wire.

people: Ray, Mike, Pamela, Janice, Kevin, Debbie, Ramona, Nancy, Tony
places: Mount Hope (ECC), Point Loma, City Heights
particulars: glazed piece #2, prepared #3 for Bisque, practiced throwing

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