Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Stop right there!

Very silly I know, but it really appealed to me! ;o)

I've finally managed to catch up on my backblips after TinthePark, so here are Saturday and Sunday of last week :O)
Ah well, here's Monday too, why not?!

Unfortunately my flatmate, Jess, has decided to go back to Australia in August to be with her man. Unfortunately for me that is, not for Jess who is of course very excited! Although also sad to be leaving lovely Edinburgh :( Its come quite suddenly and kind of thrown us both a bit because we get along so well. However, we stuck up some adverts on Gumtree for a new potential flatmate for me and hoped it wouldn't take as long finding someone good as it did to find Jess!

We had a couple of people round tonight and liked the first girl so much that I offered the room to her and she said yes!
Is this too good to be true?! lol
I'd been so stressed out by the prospect of not finding anyone in time and having a million things to do at the moment and having to be back up north next week and being so tired and then it being in the middle of the Festival and ARGH!
So it was amazing to find someone straight away and I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted.

Breathe deeply and relax.... :D
Fingers crossed she doesn't have second thoughts!

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