
By MerrilHope

Day Eighteen: Prickly

Early evening and we went Geocaching in Akbuk - there are several hidden treasures in this area and Gaby is a fan. Driving up into one of the 'holiday villa' villages high up in the Akbuk hills, where Gaby went hunting and Connie and I admired the amazing views of the bay. Although I took several photos of the bay in its early evening magnificence, this impressive prickly pear won the day.

A day that had begun with breakfast in Didim (as usual, Turkish for me, English for Gaby) to fortify us for some shopping (including a vacuum cleaner) and bill payments which, as it turns out, included an "incident". Just as Gaby was reversing into a kerbside parking spot next to the municipal building where we had come to pay our property taxes for the year, a van driver cut straight across us to park in the spot but at a right angle to the kerb and leaving his vehicle parked across the pavement. Furious, Gaby shouted at him that she was already manouevering to park there and he shouted something back and then went into the building. Inside, he was just ahead of us in the queue and ready for an argument. Quickly, officials and other customers were joining in and telling the van driver he was wrong. His unpleasant behaviour led to Security coming and saying they would escort him out if he didn't be quiet. So, he reduced his fury to angry stares whilst every one else made comforting noises to us about this man who is, apparently, well known locally for his 'prickly character'. After all that, we learnt that we were in the wrong council building to pay our land taxes anyway !! At the next Council Offices we learned that we needed our passports to pay this annual bill and the Electricity office told us we currently have no bill to pay! So back to our flats and a restorative swim.

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