peaceful lessons...

...with 1 peace lily open

and get this, people -

another one on the way! i about fell over in shock and delight at seeing this display - but of course, can't show you today since i can only blip but 1 photo a day - so you'll have to take my word - that another bloom has appeared on the plant - which left me doing the happy skippy dance - and the princess diva running for her life, i must add - only because i can be quite clumsy -

talk about being rendered speechless - a real treat from this little plant proving that "it can" - providing a great example for me - go after it - don't give up - you can make much out of a little - we've all heard these kinds of things before - when we see them come alive in nature - when the odds are slim to none - it seems to open a whole new world of possibility - somehow the saying "i can" takes on new meaning - new depth - and i think, "maybe" - then it becomes....


happy day.....

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