
By PeterAllsop

Onomatopoeia - SWISH

Onomatopoeia ... It's a word that phonetically imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it describes.

The sun was setting to the right of the photo, my boys were having a game of one on one basketball, the country air was fresh and all I could hear was their laughter as basket after basket went swish... I went outside with the camera and captured the movement of the net and the ball's logo just at the end of their journey.. SWISH or SWOOSH.. all net...

...sometimes the moment just is because it was!

Canon 300d.. 1000th of a second, aperture opened up..ISO on 800.. otherwise it was too dark.. lost some clarity to capture the moment.. ah life is full of compromise.

Note to self... take more shots with the setting sun.. gotta love the reflections and the shadows.

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