Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I went to Bellevue and wandered around for about an hour taking pictures. I captured quite a few that I really liked, but wanted to include this one for my blip, since this is why I originally went down there.

I saw 3 guys washing windows on my way back and took several pics. One of the guys saw me and I waived to him, then his friends started waiving also and bouncing off the building. I took quite a few pics of the guys and got 2 that were pretty good. Since they were in shade I had to brighten it up and take the shadow down quite a bit in order to see their faces.

When I got back to the car, I discovered I had parked where I shouldn't have and got a 60$ ticket. I am fighting it, and will see in a few weeks if they will have mercy on me or not. I couldn't believe how much it cost, plus I thought I had parked in an ok spot!! Oh, well. bummer. But, I did get some great pics!!!!

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