Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: Taking it easy.....

....firstly can I just say thank you to everyone who sent well wishes in regards to yesterday blip and my little car accident, I thought that rather than repeating the same comments I would just say thanks today.

Just to let you know that in general I seem fine apart from some pain caused by the whiplash. It's the first time that I have had someone plough into the back of me while stationary, no screeching, no brakes, no swerving just straight into me. It was quite a shock. The car boot was a right off I was hit that hard but thankfully out insurers have already sorted a replacement.

Yesterday's event stopped me from saying thanks for all the lovely comments about the photo essay. I am really chuffed with the job that was done, certainly one of life's proud moments and it was nice to be able to share it with you all and that so many of you seemed to like it.

So being stuck in bed all day on by back sucking down painkillers hasn't left me with many blipping opportunities so I went into the garden for all of about 3 shots and this is one of them.

I just hope that I feel better to get my 730 shot on Sunday.

p.s. can anyone please tell me how to get one of those macro shots where you get really into the detail of the eyes because even heavy cropping doesn't seem to work but I would like to know

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