Looking West

Grrreat walk with The Bossess (Splint off tomoro) after special breakfast date with J and D. These are special and involve ME sitting in the back of Suzz parked outside the restaurant (yes you can do this in Wanaka especially in the ski season) while The B's eat discusting delicious stuff inside and come back later with the smell all over them. Makes it hard for me to feel remorse for THAT little incident involving the C stuff last night. We then went to the outlet, where the lake runs out to the Clutha, and walked along the road that isn't. This is a bit of fun no doubt organised by the local council where owners of 4WD vehicles, who have probably driven on sealed roads since they got it, discover this Grrreat looking shingle track around the edge of the lake so with great gun ho, or caution, prepare for the grrreat adventure to discover the track blocked just around the corner and then have to carry out extensive manouvers to turn round and go back. I usually end up on my lead during this nonsense as I have an unfortunate reputation for unrealiable behaviour around loud noises and The B's are protecting their investment in dog food I suspect. This was a very windy walk and we all felt a little sorry for the ski bunnies who would NOT be having a great day. An acquaintance was asked how the sno was and responded by moving to our table and knocking on it loudly. Go figure? Or Hmmmmmmm? Click for your choice.

There was contrasts at work here so The Boss got wind blown and captured this.

Go for the BIG Burp?

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