
The way belts were going in recent years it couldn't have been too long before someone clamped a 20" jubilee clip round a modelling-stick's waist at a jaunty angle before sending them teetering and clanking down a catwalk. Noticed this yesterday when walking past so popped past on the way back from a shop this evening, though with only one lens the effect wasn't quite the same as the unused picture. Didn't notice the red on the back of the sign yesterday; it accessorises the clip nicely.

During a colleague-holiday boss¹ has taken to using their workstation (unfortunately opposite mine) for a few hours each day. Whilst in some ways it's handier as I can keep an eye on him it also means that I have to listen to his semi-inaudible muttering. It's beneath the level at which stage-muttering is normally emitted so he doesn't seem to be doing it in order to impart information. If it's just to convey his mood there's little need as the content of his normal speaking-voice quite clearly indicates his degree of disgruntlement. Only another week to go. Maybe he'll take some holidays of his own at some point, too.

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