Life at 88mph

By neet

Jog on...

Now, before I start, let me get one thing clear. I have never enjoyed physical activity. In fact, I have always been pretty rubbish at sports (at school I was always in the last 3 to be picked for teams). Lack of interest/coordination/skill means I have always avoided sports like the plague.

However, I think that I have finally reached the age where I realise that I need to start considering fitness. Spurred on by the increasing number of people that seem to be taking up running these days, I went to a sports shop. I bought a pair of trainers. I downloaded an app. I went for a run/walk. It was ok. And most importantly, it is something that I don't need a huge amount of coordination and skill to do.

I wonder if I will manage to get up to go on Monday morning.....

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