
By Akasha

Priory 900

my sister (MissTracy) and I attended a photography workshop organised by the Priory here in Bridlington. They are organising various workshops throughout this year to celebrates its 900th birthday. Its a wonderful building and well worth a visit if your in this neck of the woods.
Our morning session went over the settings in the camera and how best to use them, we went into the Priory to take shots which was quite exciting as we were aloud to go up into the area where the choir would normally sit and take pictures of the carvings in the seats and shots of the organ.
Our afternoon session focused on composition which I found most enlightening as I have discovered that I have a tendency to rush my shots and that it is OK to take my time. Some time was spent out in the church grounds taking shots. I bumped into a stonemason walking his dog in there who pointed out a little white stone cross in the grave yard and informed me that it was the grave of Louis Carroll's nephew.
A wedding was taking place whilst we were wondering around and this lovely car was parked out side the church gate.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend

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