Wet Sunday

Last night Mr's S's school pal came to stay. I love it when he comes to see us. He brings his power tools! We feed him, ply him with drink, and then I give him my snagging list!

Today he managed to put up my new curtain rail, fix the gate, replace the broken sink (I smashed it with a glass candle holder!), and chop down a large tree at the bottom of the garden !

He loves his power tools ! (He even had a 'splitting axe' which means we have loads of Chiminea wood!).

I planned to keep the girls amused and out the way with a trip to the movies (sold out!), soft play (full up), Bowling (come back later) - in the end we spent an hour or so on the Bowling amusements. Quickest twenty quid I have ever spent but they enjoyed themselves.

Popped over to see my big sis and give her a belated birthday present. Lovely to see her and Gordon and my niece (L) and nephew (S).

My sis: (to embarass her No 1 son - who is (nearly) 17) " S has been up the park kissing the girls in the bushes !"

Me: " ...don't kiss them in the bushes son, kiss them on the mouth - less smelly!".

I don't know who was more embarassed...him or his ma !

No 1 back from another sesh at MacD. She has was pleasantly surprised to find out that she was paying tax on her meagre £4.35 an hour wages and now will get it all back!

Here are the girls putting waste to the equivalent of a 5 hour session at MacD !

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