electric glass

By electricglass

Sunset Fun!

Spent most of today organizing and cleaning my computers more. Didn't even get out until leaving the house for work tonight. The sunset was looking to be a great one! So I headed up to my favorite sunset viewing spot and snapped a handful of photos.

This ended up being 18 photos stitched together in photoshop. The whole sky looked so amazing I had to get some of the clouds in there too. Then adjusted contrast and curves. Playing around a little more I started tweaking the sharpness. This was the smart sharpen filter at the amount of 238%, radius of 25.2 px, and removing the gaussian blur. It did leave some weird sort of dark line around the edges of the stitched photos. So I had to clone those lines out a bit. There are still a few in the photo but I'm too tired to work on it any more.

Time to go pass out now. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments. Have a great Friday!

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