
By lucyj11

Horn Island Hoodoos

We woke up to thunder, but by noon, it had cleared up. After spending most of this month watching it rain, we headed out to Horn Island. I wanted to post a bird picture, but I have not mastered birds in flight. The Sandwich Terns and Black Terns were busy catching fish. but none of my pictures were fit to blip. I'll have to try again another day, or get them on the beach.

So...for something different to blip......

During high tide, this would be a drop-off in the water (a little more than knee high), but at low tide, it was exposed. I liked the way the wind was eroding the sand here, making designs in the sand and carving towers.

Hoodoos are also called fairy chimneys and are found in Bryce Canyon, Utah. These on Horn Island reminded me of them.

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