
By EastTexasAngles


Everyone loves a train and I am no exception. About three times a day and a couple of times at night this freight train goes by. The RR track is at the entrance to our place, just under a mile from the house. After an accident some years ago, they put up a railroad crossing gate, and now the train is required to make a huge racket with its whistle as it approaches the crossing.

I set the camera to continuous shots, but when it reached the limit, it stopped and processed them. I essentially captured the whole train though.

There was some kind of wayward spark or fire on the track that caused the smokey atmosphere in this shot as well as some concern from officials in cars near the crossing. It was pretty dramatic but I ended up choosing the caboose, even though it isn't Red.

Forty years or so ago, when the train came by, every car was painted a different bright color. Then, gradually, the colors all disappeared and the cars were dull and ugly. More recently, some color has been coming back. This train had a very modern engine that hardly even looked like a traditional train, but it was a bright yellow. The middle cars were grey, but then came the Caboose.

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