David's Pics

By davejournal



Tonight's movie is the classic Werner Herzog Fitzcarraldo.

I have struggled with this film from when it first came out in my late teens until now when I finally, totally get it.

I dug it out today after ploughing through Werner's recent book Conquest of the Useless which is his diary of the making of the film (lots of "I awoke and found a fist-sized tarantula staring at me...") - you get the idea.

Amazing stuff - Mick Jagger and Jason Robards were originally cast in the leads but Klaus Kinski ended up in the title role after their early departure.

Like most of Herzog's films, Kinski usually ends up starring (they pretend to hate each other but I suspect they both realised how important the other was.)

I can't imagine that films like Fitzcarraldo will ever be made again so if you haven't seen it make sure you do.

If only for the image above - amazing...

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