
By Angelique


This is what I have been spending a lot of my spare time on. I now realise why I gave up dressmaking many years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love the material but 1. Not sure I like it and 2. I think it makes me look fat.

It's not yet complete, hem etc. has to be finished and also it doesn't 'sit' properly round the front slit from hem to knee. And the only reason I am stood here feeling awkward is because I promised to show how it looked to a fellow blipper.

I have never liked having my photograph taken, so this is a one off from me.
Hope your Monday has been better than mine. Not a very productive day at work (boss was very deep in thought), so no pleasantries. As you can imagine after the high of the weekend concert, came down to earth with a very heavy bump!! Felt quite depressed.

But tomorrow is Tuesday with more rain and sun and another day nearer the weekend - hooray.

Thank you for 'looking in' and to all my faithfull blip friends, please forgive today's SP and life will return to normal tomorrow - I promise. Sleep well and stay healthy.

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