Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Week 1, Day 1, Plaza Catalunya

You can just see the metro escalators on the left, which is where I appear upwards in the morning this month and where I descend in the evenings. It's at the top of Las Ramblas, Barcelona, on Plaza Catalunya. This is an establishing shot of the start of my CELTA in IH Barcelona in summer. The cafe terrace is Cafe Zurich, a great institution and meeting place for locals and tourists alike. Many nights, especially towards the end of the course, I'm tempted to sit down at one of the tables and have a little something before catching the metro back up to our barrio. Today was day 1 though, so I kept walking! A good day 1, nice, interesting group of trainees and I think P and I managed to do all we were meant to! Time will tell! Six of our trainees are each teaching 40 minutes tomorrow morning, so a big day for them.

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