Heart Leaf Flame Pea..

..announces that spring is on the way.
A beautiful colour combination that reminds me of the Thai silk outfits my mum wore in tropical times and Jim Thompson's stunning silks.
Vivid and spectacular, I'm sure she must have had a dress or jacket with just these colours combined.

Meanwhile, back in nature, this is one of the 18 species of the Chorizema genus (17 endemic to WA) and bursting with life and vitality on a neighbour's verge.

Named by botanist Labillardiere in 1792, there are two possibilities. One is from the Greek choros (dance) and zema (drinking vessel) and named for its proximity by a water hole by a thirsty expedition party.
The second from chorizo (separate) and nema (thread) and much more botanically accurate.
I think the former is the go!!

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