
By Adda

T H R E E...

Presenting...the classic Nikon F3 - bigger than ever! This larger than life (literally and figuratively) Nikon F3 is a tribute to blip - for completing 3 years of going public and for the cool new 'big' feature. I can't wait till it and the other cool features will be opened for grabs again.

Went to an auto expo in the city with Mr and Mrs Farside. The expo was a complete disappointment. Most of the vehicles were ones that we see everyday on the road. I could have rather visited the parking lot of my office. But this particular exhibit caught my interest and I knew instantly what I was going to do with it. That's the thing with blip - it captivates you, it takes control of your senses so badly that you are unable to see or think anything beyond it. It is no different than hypnotism. And we being mere mortals, have no choice but to bask in this glorious intoxication.

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