Lyon Calling!

After yesterday's good weather, today at WOMAD dawned promisingly enough with scorching sun and blue skies. It wasn't to last...

By mid-afternoon the rain was falling in biblical quantities, the ground was a muddy slop, the temperature had dropped and performers on the open air stages were playing to rapidly diminishing audiences. And so it continued for the rest of the day. Such a shame!

Meanwhile, bands playing inside the two big tents benefitted greatly from the torrents and made hay while the sun didn't shine! One such was Babylon Circus, a hugely energetic 10-piece band from Lyon with a great brass section. Imagine a collision between The Specials and Bellowhead in a smoky French cabaret. That's the closest I can come to describing their style... They gave it their all and audience members responded by dancing with dervish-like passion and big goofy grins! Gotta love a band that covers Clash songs!

I'm behind with back blipping and even more behind with catching up with your journals but I'm getting there slowly - please bear with me!

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