Fireplace to Stairs.

Dana and I started putting some stepping stones through the underbrush to the compost pile a few weeks ago. When we found ourselves with a pile of stone from the fireplace (just visible stacked against the back fence) we decided they would make nice stairs to breech the low wall around our upper terrace.

With their usual dedication to physical labor, OilMan and Dana have created a very attractive little stair. Peter, with his gift for understatement, stood back and looked at it and pronounced, "pretty nice stairs for going to the compost pile..."

We'll use the back gate again once the rains come and green grass replaces the fields of foxtails and burrs.

I am awaiting with suspense and not a little trepidation, a certain package. I will say only that my life has not only passed before my eyes, but been edited, parsed and reworded over the past few weeks. I hope, since I included my zip code, the fact that I left my state out of the address won't cause a problem....

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