Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

The Croods Jazz Hands

I've been waiting to have a go at this shot for ages but needed to pick a time when the kids were getting on and relaxed. I'd not anticipated how much of each others personal space we would need to share and that resulted in a little bit of pushing and shoving. Bar missing my husband from the shot I got what I wanted and some others that were unexpected but equally as pleasing. I've always like photos of hands and feet.

We did kids cinema again today. Perfect for a rainy day. This time it was The Croods which is all about a caveman family and how they adapted and evolved. We came away thinking a lot about our species, similarities and differences between us all. Probably the reason I was able to persuade them to do the hands shot.

After lunch we baked something new from the Hairy Bikers Diet book. Im not entirely sure why this sugar loaded treat is in there, perhaps because they don't expect us to eat slices quite the size that we did. Cranberry & apricot slices. Yummy. Saved some for tomorrow's picnic should it not rain again.

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