Railway Station

We went to Bishop's Stortford this morning, on the train so that Mr A could come with us; as he cannot bend or sit, he had to stand all the way. We had breakfast in a café and me and Victoria sat outside to eat our breakfast; it was easier for him to stand outside, rather than inside, to eat his bacon sandwiches.

We did not do very much shopping although I bought two new ceramic frying pans. I bought one of the larger ones a while ago to see if I liked it, you do not need any fat to cook food, so the end result is much healthier. It seemed a strange way to cook at first, but once I got used to it, I preferred it and so today I bought two more of different sizes.

I took various pictures today, but this one was taken looking north from Bishop's Stortford railway station as we were waiting for the train to bring us home.

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