Love is...

It's the final day of HeartFreek's July Challenge, thanks so much for the challenge, I've really enjoyed it! Today I have chosen the first challenge of the month for my final challenge.

After work I got the train down to Gourock to visit Tall Ship Helen. We had tea and then at 10pm we headed down to the Lido for a late night swim. The lido is heated so we didn't notice the breeze much and the rain stopped whilst we were there. It was a great way to spend the evening.

I love the sea, I love swimming in it, walking beside it, even just knowing it's close by. My mammy loves the sea too and when she was pregnant with me she craved the smell of the sea. I learned a few years ago from Great Aunt that my maternal grandmother also loved the sea and missed it when she moved away from the coast. My paternal grandparents lived by the sea and last night the smell reminded me of visiting them.

The sea is amazing, it's beautiful and it's cruel and we can't control it.

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