
Today's temperature was forecast 22c and Cloudy! The Cloud still hasn't come in, but it did reach 22c-23c, the tourists on the Beach and the lone surfer to the right probably think its a hot summer day but not yet!
This is Clayton Beach Mindarie, known for its rips and unless you are a strong swimmer you would only wet your feet!
A full day today, dropping two older grandchildren to school, helping our two youngest Grandchildren at the pool for their swim lessons, with their mum, then they both came to Nan's for a play after their swim.Our two sons Mark & Gareth dropped in later to collect their young ones! A full house! Glyn arrived home from work in time to help pile everyone into their cars! now he's gone for a quick spin on the Bike its staying lighter now until around 6pm so he's taking advantage of a lovely evening, Now the house is still and very quiet, so I'm taking advantage of that! I can hear myself thinking! Shhhh don't wake me up! Chuckle...
Some may say its been a hot day (mainly tourists!) it certainly looks HOT!

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