
By Anniemay


Red Hot - Well certainly hot, if a little on the orange side.

Today's blip involved lying on the floor and exposing my camera to very high temperatures.

Igor has a new toy. It's called a 'weed wand'. It consists of a long, curved metal tube attached to a gas canister. When it's switched on it's a bit like a blow torch and it's purpose is to dispose of unwanted plant material in difficult to reach places. The blip shows the demise of some brambles which dared to show their face among Igor's alpine strawberries. Usually because the plant material is still 'green' it just glows till it disappears. The brambles here were surrounded by some dead leaves which were as dry as tinder.

The blip could have gone horribly wrong but my camera is still in one piece, I still have hair and eyebrows and the image is quite dramatic.

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