Aliens have landed!

I have no idea what this is; it has eyes like a fly, a body and legs more like a mosquito than anything else and it seems really into pollen... Anyone want to venture a guess?? It’s body length is about a 1/4 inch and it diligently worked on this flower for more than 10 minutes. It seemed oblivious to me and my camera, or maybe it just didn’t feel threatened. I even bumped the flower at one point, but it never stopped it’s pursuit of pollen/nectar.

Have a look large...

Today started with thunderstorms that had our dog Piper shaking and quaking. Though, as soon as that passed, she was back to old herself. Once she was settled, I went to join my husband in town to peruse the down-town street sale. (All of the stores have tables and tents on the street with items for sale at a discount.) We didn’t find anything on sale to buy but didn’t come home empty handed. ;) Town is packed, not only for the sale, but this week is the Traverse City Film Festival. This brings in people from all over and a few stars are in town as well. Needless to say, the town is packed! We got brave and had lunch at a restaurant in the middle of the crowds. We must have timed it just right, because we didn’t have to wait and got to a table right away. (As we ate, the long line was backed up to the door.)

I spent the rest of the afternoon with my camera and ended up with a few entertaining shots of the bug community. Though, this one seemed like the winner... it’s an alien... of course the alien wins the blip spot...

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