
By Tealuke


Went on holiday to Hokkaido with pickle, catching up now!

We met my friend and his father (their family is from Hokkaido) for the end of the holiday, and they were extremely kind to us. Visited lots of exciting places thanks to the father's awesome 'supersaloon' toyota crown, which had automatically moving air vents (with a built in humidifier), and electric windows (impressive as the car had a tape deck). Fifteen years ago, the father decided to start horse riding, and learnt to do so at an American Japan. A slice of pure Americana dropped in the middle of the countryside. The founder had built all the structures (American West farming style barns etc.), and there was an American classic tractor, a cafe with free refills and a neon sign, everything. People wear tight denim and boots and cowboy hats when they're there, and use western names! It was a really bizarre place but also really cool - it was great to see people so comfortable with their style, and happy doing things their own way. The founder, Clarke-san, took us to his room with all his favourite things, including a vacuum tube music player and an accordion. One day, I'd like to be like Clarke-san. Here's Yujira's dad, looking as wild west as they come.

Bye Barbara

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