
By TitsMcGee

Alls quiet here.

A lovely quiet one today.

Which is a good thing after last night!!

We are currently looking after the in-laws and a friends dogs at the mo.

They are both lovely and very well behaved but both Bonnie ( a spaniel) and Billy (a border terrier) are only about 2 so both playful.

Which is lovely but not at 2,3 and 4 in the morning.

Now our big, black beast Marley has to sleep downstairs so we have a stair gate.

I don't think I shut it properly as I did wake up from the little sleep I did have at one point to find Billy sleeping on my head!!!!


When we finally did come downstairs this morning we found the shoe cupboard knocked over and shoes everywhere!!!!

Therefore not at lot has been done today.

Cleared up shoes, walked the menaces, mowed the lawn and took no1 son off to play a game of tennis, with a friend I must add( don't want anyone thinking I was energetic!!!)

Off out round to friends for a meal now so don't even have to cook.


Just hope I'm not expected to do the washing up!!!!

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