
By Veraluna

Visiting Friends

Today we visited friends. Vova (Vladimir) made a Uzbek plov. "Uzbek plov differs from other preparations in that rice is not steamed, but instead simmered in a rich stew of meat and vegetables called zirvak, until all the liquid is absorbed into the rice. A limited degree of steaming is commonly achieved by covering the pot. The cooking tradition includes many regional and occasional variations. Commonly, it is prepared with lamb and mutton, browned in lamb fat or oil, and then stewed with fried onions, garlic and carrots." (Wikipedia) I really love plov!!
Our kids played with Vova's and Maria's boys, so no-one felt boring. After the plov and tea we even had a little picnic in the school yard in front of our friends' house (a very green school yard). Came home much later than expected, the kids felt asleep immediately.
Sunny again today, about +24°C.

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