Midnight film

Film started at 23:50 Tokyo time and ended at 25:50. That was quite late, I'm glad I was able to walk back home!

English title is "Emperor". Was on air in Canada & US earlier this year but actually released last week in Japan.

One comment I thought worth making was that I found this film impressing where it explains clearly what aspects underlie in the Japanese society and the way they think/behave which was very confusing for the Westerners who came for occupation.

Devotion, loyolty, obedience, no blacks and whites but everything is gray. All of them were words my bad memory has remembered very well.

Also the sight of Tokyo right after the end of World War 2 was quiet shocking. It's confirmed that the ruines and devestating situation was made very "real" in the film.
Impressed to see that this city where I live now has become one of the largest developed cities in the world.

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