
By NancyDrew

Through the Looking Glass

Back to these from tomorrow x I went back to the optician Saturday and he confirmed that the left contact lens is moving by a few degrees due to the shape of my eye, which means I lose focus with them :( x

He is going to alter something, and order another trial set which will be here in about a week x they may or may not work, he won't know till I try them x

Today I have mainly be sorting out back to school stuff, uniform, sports kit, shoes for the boy etc x I also wanted to find him some holiday shorts seen as ALL the shops appear to have sold out and loaded their shelves with their winter coats and jumpers !! Even online everywhere is sold out ! x man doesn't believe me x

I even tried trusty EBay but then gave up as I resent paying £3.50 postage on a pair of shorts which probably cost about 76p to post!! Thieving bastards! x Plus I got outbid on a really nice pair because I was filling my face with a club sandwich!! Harrumph!! X

Had a text from the boss at work as well, which is never good on a Sunday x I have a briefing at 0700 hours, SHARP, the message said!!! x why can't they just let us find out about the job when we get there!? It's my day off for goodness sake!! X I've spent the whole afternoon thinking about work now x booooooo!!! X

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