
By MyGirl_MyLife

five sisters zoo

Emma and I left Daddy and Benji watching the golf and went to the Five Sisters Zoo in West Calder. We met loads and loads of animals, and got to hold a bearded dragon, a HUGE albino python, a teeny weeny mouse (apparently the smallest rodent in the UK) and even an albino hedgehog called Spikey!!

The zoo had a devastating fire in April this year which killed a lot of the reptiles, but the locals have raised thousands of pounds to renovate it and it's looking fabulous.

It was a fantastic way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I got lots of lovely animal shots so it was really really hard to choose which one to post here, but I went for the otters who were soooo sweet cuddling in together! It was a close call between them and the meerkats which are my absolute favourite.

UPDATED: I've changed the shot to the Meerkats, they were waaay too cute to not post them!!!

That's us all on holiday from work now for almost 3 weeks yaaaay, so we're going to Almond Valley Farm tomorrow (weather permitting)

Did I mention it's only 3 sleeps til Disneyland :-)))))

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